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These tremendous statistics shows the incredible boost of Biswap DEX:
🔥 $689 458 312 Total Value Locked (in Farms & Launchpools)
🔥 $30 525 687 507 Total Trading Volume
🔥 $84 376 672 Trading Volume in 24 hours
🔥 369 426 Unique Wallets Connected to Biswap
🔥 8 709 Unique Wallets Connected to Biswap in 24 hours
🔥 14 061 610 Transactions on Biswap
🔥 100 289 BSW Holders
🔥 13 411 467 BSW Transfers in the BSC Network
💸 $0.809 — the current price of BSW token
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🔐94/100–30-Day High-Security Score of Biswap right now!
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