It’s time to check the bright Biswap achievements!
Let’s compare how rapidly we move forward.
See the progress:
⚜️ $748 751 773 Total Value Locked (in Farms & Launchpools)
⚜️ $16 286 134 048 Total Trading Volume
⚜️ $136 653 362 Trading Volume in 24 hours
⚜️ 199 732 Unique Wallets Connected to Biswap
⚜️ 16 876 Unique Wallets Connected to Biswap in 24 hours
⚜️ 5 439 552 Transactions on Biswap
⚜️ 58 960 BSW Holders
⚜️8 440 056 BSW Transfers in the BSC Network
💲 $1.120— the current price of BSW token
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